Wolfmates 1 - An American Werewolf in Hoboken Page 4
JC was nearly frantic to feel her skin against his, but Max didnt remove her jeans. Instead he laid over her and cupped her breasts -- breasts that arched upward for his touch. He shoved her shirt and bra out of the way, stroking them, thumbing her nipples until she gasped. Still Max watched her, intense and penetrating just before he pressed his hot mouth to her breast and enveloped a nipple.
JCs body reacted violently, her back bowing as she gripped the sides of the table and molten fire licking at her cunt. Max pulled at the tight peak, tugging it away from her body as he rolled his tongue over it. She clenched her eyes shut and fought a scream, half-filled with frustration, half with indefinable pleasure. The steel of his flesh rubbing between her legs, coupled with his hands on her breast was more than she could bear.
A whimper escaped her lips when Max reached between them and cupped her pussy, dragging his thumb over the cleft. She wanted him to take her clothes off and ram into her, hard and heated. Her breath was raspy as she squirmed beneath him, straining to the feel of his lips and hands. Leaning over her, he let his tongue find her exposed belly, kissing it as he worked his mouth over her lower abdomen and down between her legs. Max nipped at her through her jeans and JC stopped breathing as teeth grazed, her heart throbbing and every nerve on fire with pounding heat.
His big hands tore at the button on her jeans, and dragged her zipper down, tearing them off in a swift motion and taking her panties with them. JC felt the brush of his naked thighs between hers and the slide of his hands as he lifted her hips in them. Maxs hot cock slipped between the lips of her pussy, caressing her clit, moving in the wet recesses.
JC gripped his wrists as he cupped her ass, kneading the flesh, massaging it. She wrapped her legs around him, silently pleading with him to enter her. She gyrated her hips, begging to be impaled, thinking of nothing but the stiff length that teased her.
Forceful and hard, Max plunged into her, and JC threw her head back, arching up into him and digging her nails into his wrists. He filled her with searing heat, stretching her until she thought she might explode. Each plunge was slow to begin, picking up speed as he ground against her. JCs muscles clenched around his length, and her legs tightened around his waist. Max pulled her roughly toward him with each thrust as their hips crashed together. His jaw clenched tightly and his throat arched, tensing.
Her nipples turned to tight beads as climax tore at her, screaming for release. Max hissed sharply when he slid nimble fingers between her legs, spreading her flesh. He mumbled something incoherent as he found her clit, swollen and throbbing, caressing it until JC couldnt prolong the need to come.
From somewhere deep within her a howl boiled to the surface, erupting and shattering the silence, tearing from her throat and rocking her whole body.
Her legs clamped his waist as she pushed upward, meeting the slick slide of his cock one last time before feeling the heat of his release, thick and plentiful. Max yelled into the silence along with her, long and loud.
A slow descent from the madness shed just experienced began as her body calmed. Tears stung her eyes as the room around her came into focus and she slowly drifted back to where she was.
Never. Not in all her sexual experience had she ever had an orgasm like that, rich in texture, well defined and so sharply sweet. JC released Maxs wrists as she heaved with each breath she took, closing her eyes so she didnt have look at him.
Maxs hands soothed her skin, sliding over it with gentle fingers. Look at me, JC.
Um, no. I think not . She couldnt look at him after that wanton display of lust. Only sluts boinked guys theyd known but mere hours. Jesus, all hed done was order her pizza and she was buck naked on his table, slapping her legs around his waist, banging him for all she was worth.
JC shook her head. No , she would not look at him. Eye contact was absolutely out of the question.
Maxs hand cupped her chin and dragged her face upward. Look at me, now , JC.
Mm-mm. She shook her head again.
His sigh was long. JC, look at me.
Well, why the hell not?
Youre behaving badly. Its not nice to ignore the man who just made love to you on his kitchen table.
Pass the salt . No.
Now, cmon. You have nothing to be embarrassed about. Max laid over her. Letting his full weight rest on her and using two fingers, he pried one of her eyes open.
As he came into focus, her heart lurched. God, he was so sexy. His cheeks were ruddy from their lovemaking and his eyes were amused at her refusal to look at him.
Go away, she said from clenched teeth.
He shook his head. Nope, and Im not letting you up until you open your eyes and talk to me.
JC kept her one eye closed and shook her head.
Max shifted his hips, withdrawing from her. If you dont look at me, Ill make you stay in the wet spot, he threatened jokingly.
And it was wet. JC squirmed. What do you want to talk about?
What we just did, he said on a chuckle.
Did he want a blow-by-blow? JC, here, reporting for Screw-U, live from my hunky, brand spanking new neighbor Maxs kitchen table. Woo, baby, did I ever just do it with a guy I knew all of a couple of hours. Does that put me in the schtupping Hall of Fame? Yup, thats me down here, underneath all this finely sculpted flesh We just had sex
He nudged her with his nose. Yeah, we did kind of suddenly. Are you freaked out?
Oh, no me? Freaked out? HAH! I do this sort of thing all the time. Why just last week when the guy upstairs moved in I tickled his fancy too, except the location was different. We used his friggin countertops . Jesus Christ in a mini skirt! Yes, yes I am freaked out, she said with incredible calm, defying her stomachs jumbled mess.
I dont do this as a rule, JC.
No, no of course not. I mean really, how often does a man find himself screwing the first female he sees? Next to never, right? That would be so un-male-like . Women were more prone to sex with complete strangers Im sure, she retorted back.
He let go of her eye and bracketed either side of her face. No, youre not sure, but you will be.
I think I have to go. I need to see if Fluffys come back. Hell be hungry, she said flatly.
Max nuzzled her face with his nose, slipping down her cheek to her ear where he nibbled on the silver stud earring she always wore. JC felt the heat rise in her cheeks again as shivers coursed along her spine and her body rose to press to his of its own accord. Max sneezed hard in her ear, jolting his whole body and making her jump.
Bless you.
He sneezed again and his eyes began to tear. Im sorry, are those earrings silver?
Um, yeah. JC finally opened her eyes and scanned Maxs face as it became red and blotchy. Are you okay? Whats wrong?
He pushed himself off of her as fast as he could, swiping at his mouth with his arm as a series of sneezes wracked his body.
JC sat up, yanking her sweater down, and asked, Whats wrong?
Max shook his head as he rubbed his eyes with the bottom of his T-shirt. JC couldnt tear her eyes from the lower half of him. The contours of his well-muscled thighs bulged as he walked back and forth across the floor. Its okay. Im -- ahchoo allergic to silver is all, he said on another watery sneeze. Ahchoo, ahchoo, ahchoo .
JC took the opportunity to slip off the table, scoop her pants up and find the bathroom. She located it and cleaned up, throwing her pants on and grabbing some toilet paper for Max for lack of tissues.
Feeling much more secure clothed, JC tapped the gloriously half-naked Max on the shoulder. Here, I think you need these and I have to go.
Max grabbed her arm with one hand as he wiped his eyes with the other. He threw the tissue on the floor and walked her backwards toward the counter. You cant leave until you kiss me goodbye. He smirked at her, winking one bloodshot eye.
JC found her body had its own ideas as it molded to his. His cock was again hard and pressing against her thigh. Heat assaulted he
r in sharp pinpricks and she knew she had to leave before she clung to his thigh like a contestant on Survivor clung to a granola bar. I have to go, she said firmly.
Maxs lips found hers, touching them with a whisper of a caress. Not before you kiss me goodbye. You dont think you can just love me and leave me, do you?
JC couldnt stop the giggle that escaped her lips. Okay, one and then I hit the road, Jack.
Its Max, he teased, a name you wont soon forget. And then his lips crushed hers as his tongue slid into her mouth, making her gasp.
They hadnt kissed, not even when they made love, but nothing could have prepared her for the surge of electricity that passed between them. Her tongue dueled with his, meeting him stroke-for-stroke until she found her arms wrapped securely around his neck, standing on tippey toe to taste as much of him as she could.
The firm slide of his lips and the hot press of his cock made her head spin. Max groaned when she ran her nails over his scalp and moved his hips, pushing against her.
Hookay. Time to go, otherwise she was going to get her jammies and pink fuzzy bunny slippers with the plastic eyes and move the hell in with him.
JC tore her lips from his, their breathing ragged and said, Thanks for the pizza er, its been -- well -- What the hell did you say after a one-night stand? Fun? Nice? The best orgasm in the history of JC orgasms?
Ducking under his arms she called, Goodnight, over her shoulder and ran to the door, pulling it open and zipping next door. His laughter followed her across the hall as he called back, Tomorrow. Ill see you tomorrow night.
JC closed the door behind her and leaned up against it, just breathing. Oh, GOD ! Shed slept with her neighbor Jesus, he wasnt even in the building more than a few hours and she was all over him like ketchup on fries. Her face flushed and her nipples tightened at the mere thought the visual of him naked evoked.
JC wandered to the bathroom, stripping her clothes off to shower when a thought struck her. Shed just had the most incredible sex of her life what if he never wanted to have sex with her again? What if she really was just a one-night stand?
It took her breath away Max may well have used her and she would never get to use him back because shed behaved like a child. That would mean theyd never get jiggy again.
Well, damn.
JC shook her head as if that would help to clear the muddled mess her brain was in. What was she thinking? Climbing into the shower she let the hard spray pound on her head. Maybe it would knock some sense into her. So he was good in bed er, table big deal. Other guys were good in bed, she was sure of it. Shed just never experienced it. So what if he didnt want to have sex with her again. That was just fine.
Yeah, who needed orgasms that rocked the planet and did the earth moving thing?
Not JC Jensen not a lot anyway.
JC stepped from the shower and toweled off, heading toward her bedroom. Her heart sank -- shed forgotten about Fluffy and it was freezing in here. Her eyes flew to the window. Theyd left it open shit. Gathering the towel around her she tucked it between her breasts and closed the window.
A cold, wet nose sniffed under the edge of her towel. JC flew around, kneeling down and throwing her arms around Fluffys neck. Dammit, Fluff, dont do that to me. I was worried sick about you!
Fluffy licked her ear, then backed away and fiercely shook his head before he sneezed.
Chapter Five
Cut it out, Fluff! Stop yanking my crank and cmon. Youre going to the vet like it or not, especially after that little rendezvous last night. Didja get laid?
Fluffy cocked his head. Why, yes, yes I did indeed get laid .
Because if you did, we could be in big trouble. Can you see the look on Mrs. Edwards face if I have to explain how her Chihuahua , Phoebe, got knocked up by you ? JC shook her head as she tugged harder on the leash, dragging a reluctant Fluffy out the door and down the stairs. She glanced briefly at the apartment across the way, then tugged his collar more firmly, leading him the rest of the way down the stairs and to her car.
Aha methinks the lady digs me .
That put a skip in Fluffys stride as he followed behind JC and hopped into the back seat of her car. The vets office wasnt so bad.
It could be worse sorta.
When hed heard her make the appointment on the phone this morning, he had to wonder if a rabies shot would hurt his human form, but then he didnt have a lot of choices short of shifting right before her very eyes. That might freak her, especially in light of last night.
JC kissed the tip of his nose. Youre a good boy, snookums. Now behave when we get to the vet or youll be in big-doggy-shit. Fluffy licked her nose in response.
Yeah, yeah Good. Hed be good. Fluffy sat up and rested his head on JCs shoulder from the back seat of her small car, burying his nose in her hair.
Damn, she smelled good. He couldnt wait for the day to be over so he could drag her back to his apartment and bury his nose elsewhere. Last night was equally explosive for him. Hed wanted to rip her clothes off and keep her naked until she screamed for mercy.
Wait until she found out who he was. Then shed really scream but shed adjust, he soothed himself. Finding out your dog was also your lover had to weird a chick out. Of course he wasnt a dog , he was a wolf .
Somehow, he had to get her to come back home with him to the woods where his pack lived. Hed take it from there. Eva said it would be okay and hed have to trust that. He also had to admit she was right, even if she did prophesize from a bowl of chicken soup. Hed never felt the supposed bond his pack members spoke of until meeting JC. Now that hed found his mate, he wasnt letting her go.
As they pulled into the driveway of the vets office, his stomach rumbled. Hed skipped his morning kibble and now he was paying for it.
JC came around the car and popped the door open. Cmon, handsome. Now I want a solemn promise youll behave. This is a public outing. No growling, menacing showing of the teeth or biting. Hear me? She ruffled his ears and pulled him toward the door of the vet.
Well, that pretty much left all of the good clean fun out of the question. He trotted behind her and refused to acknowledge the leash, averting his eyes.
It was pink .
Jesus, how did she get a pink leash? Was there no dignity?
JC went to the reception desk while all of the nice doggies and kitties eyeballed him from the waiting area.
As JC talked with the receptionist, Fluffy sat beside her and squirmed. If the other animals could talk theyd make fun of him, he could sense it.
Was it his hair? Hed caught a glimpse of it today in that full length mirror JC had on the back of her door it was fluffy.
Patrons of the vet in the waiting area scooped up their smaller animals and tucked them safely in their laps with wary looks directed at him.
Good, this was as it should be , he thought. He was, after all, a wolf -- as in the Red Riding Hood variety -- and hed chomp them all into little pieces if they dared crack wise.
JC led him to an empty chair and grabbed a magazine, keeping the leash held tight in her hand. Fluffy slumped down to the floor and sighed. A rabies shot of all the indignities
A French poodle eyed him from the corner of the room. Fluffy eyed him back, staring him down. The toy poodle, in all his curly white, pink bowed splendor, growled a warning. He wore a sweater that said Precious.
Fluffy snorted. Yeah, okay, cmon, Precious. Ya wanna piece a this ? Fluffy opened his mouth a bit and gave the delicate poodle with the stupid pink bows a gander at his teeth.
The poodle backed away, cowering under his owners chair with a yip in weak defense.
Thats right, back away from the big, bad wolf slowly, bucko .
A dachshund came trailing in, yipping and jumping beside his owners feet unleashed. Fluffy buried his head under his paws to silence the sharp bark.
Gawd, they were yappy little beasts, neurotic, nervous balls of hair.
A nose nudged his. Lifting his head he stared into the soft, doe-like eyes of the dachshund
. It backed away in a playful stance and barked again, its auburn hair, shiny and long, bounced and behaved quite nicely, he mused. Must be nice to have such a manageable coat.
Christ, could a guy get a break here?
Wow, hes big, huh? The owner of the dachshund assessed Fluffy with a whistle.
Fluffy would have smiled cockily if he could have. Why yes, thank you. Indeed I am big and if you dont make your wee little friend get the fuck off me, Im going to indulge in some dachshund delight .
JC chuckled, Yes, he is big and he seems to like your dog, which, based on his past performance, is unusual. What a good boy, Fluffy! JC praised him.
Yes, he was a good dog. Good, good, good .
The little dachshund gnawed on one of Fluffys ears contentedly. He wondered absently -- as he fought not to chomp on the critters leg -- if everyone in his pack had suffered this same humiliation on their lifemate quest? He didnt remember anyone coming home to the pack and regaling tales of trips to PETsMART or the vet .
Whats your dogs name? JC asked.
The elderly man sat beside her. Killer.
Killer? Killer ? What the fuck was that? How did he end up with a name like Fluffy when this dog with ADHD had a name like Killer ?
This was grossly unjust.
And your dogs name?
The old man coughed, clearing his throat. Er, Fluffy?
He felt the whole room go silent and then a twitter rippled through the crowded waiting room. They were mocking him. He could feel it right down to his doggy toes, er, paws.
He felt like a boy named Sue.
Hed show them Fluffy all right. Fluffy sat up, knocking Killer off his back, sending him skittering sideways on the smooth tiled floor and stiffened his spine, like he was lord of the jungle, growling low and threatening.
JCs foot gave him a nudge without breaking a stride in her conversation. It was a warning.
Oh shit. Good -- he was supposed to be good. Crap. He slumped back down and Killer went to town on his ear again.
JC Jenson and Fluffy? a pretty nurse from behind the reception desk called. She came around and popped her head out the door and her eyes widened when she took in Fluffy.