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Wolfmates 1 - An American Werewolf in Hoboken Page 3
Wolfmates 1 - An American Werewolf in Hoboken Read online
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Slowly, he would make her his slowly. Her flesh pebbled as the cool breeze rustled the curtains and swept over her skin. He positioned himself behind her, and she lifted her hips without any encouragement. He saw the lips of her sex glisten, smelled the desire hed created with his tongue. His shaft throbbed, hot and harder than he could ever remember.
Grasping his cock, he knelt behind her and slid it through her smooth cunt, teasing her clit with the head. Her hand reached between them and rested on his, gripping his wrist. He rolled his hips, moving in and out of her wetness, slowly. She groaned when he moved closer to her passage. He took a deep breath, steadying his need to slice through her. Bracing his hands on her ass, he pressed the head of his cock into her. She reared up, arching her back, and impaled him with one swift movement of her hips. His hands tightened on her ass, as he fell forward and sank himself in her tight walls. Her inner walls clenched his cock in response, welcoming him, pulling him inward.
Possessive hands grasped her hips, holding her still, settling deep inside her, letting his cock swell with the sensation. Impatiently she writhed, jamming her hips against him, her body pleading with him to fulfill her. He stroked her long and deep, she in turn milked his throbbing cock as they melted into a rhythm.
The slick slide of friction and her creamy depths roared through his veins in waves of heat. Clenching her hips tighter, he slammed into her holding on until he heard her scream with release.
Her head came up off the bed as her orgasm ripped through her. Twisting the sheets in her hands, she held him tightly inside of her. His breathing became shallow as a surge of white-hot electricity jolted his cock and tore through him. Thick-hot spurts of come poured out of his shaft leaving him gasping to fill his lungs with air.
He draped his body over hers as they fell to the bed in a tangle of heaving, sweat soaked bodies.
A voice rudely intruded upon the sexual cloud he floated on.
Hey, Fluffy! The words sliced through his brain like a knife. He moaned, refusing to open his eyes as someone nudged him.
Hey, buddy, open your eyes, I think youre having a doggy-wet-dream.
Oh, GOD .
* * *
Ive got to get to work, Fluffy. Now listen up, JC said as she put her coffee cup in the sink and turned to pet him on his big head. I want you to eat your breakfast like a good boy and stay OFF the furniture. One hair on my couch and its curtains for you. Oh and if you pee in the house? You die. Hear me?
Fluffy sat quietly listening to her speak. His head tilted to the side as his tail thumped a staccato rhythm on the kitchen floor, but his eyes held hers.
She grinned at him. Im beginning to wonder if you actually understand me. Checking to be sure his water bowl was full and he had all of his new doggy toys, she grabbed her purse and threw it over her shoulder. One last glance and she reluctantly shut out the door.
The thought that Fluffy would be there to greet her at the end of the day kept her motivated to move swiftly. She was feeling rather proud of herself for finally making the move and adopting a pet. Lord knew, it had to be smarter choice than getting another boyfriend.
After a series of so-so relationships, shed given up on finding Mister Perfect. She couldnt even find Mister Happy-Medium. Jess was the final deciding factor in giving up completely and just letting whatever happened, happen. Her heart was still intact after him so why tempt fate? She could be perfectly happy going home to Fluffy every night. She had her friends, and a decent job. Shed never become rich working as a hairdresser, but she didnt fight to make ends meet either. JC smiled. Life was good in many small ways. It didnt have to include a boyfriend in her estimation.
Maybe it could include a vibrator, though. She laughed to herself as she swept up the last bits of hair and rushed off to head home to Fluffy.
* * *
A huge moving van was parked in her spot when she pulled up in front of her apartment building.
JC double-parked and flew out of the car ready to give someone hell when the most amazing pair of buns shed ever seen bent over in front of her. Buns encased in a faded pair of blue jeans that had a hole at the waistband and one smack dab in the middle of his left, very round cheek. She could see his underwear
They were red.
Boxers or briefs?
Good gravy.
Those buns were pulling boxes from the back of the truck. JC folded her arms across her chest.
Um, excuse me, but youre in my parking space. Mister Booty dropped the box, the muscles in his forearms flexing. A fine sprinkling of dark hair led to hands that had long, tapered fingers. He turned around slowly and her breath caught in her throat.
Holy heavenly she bit her lower lip. Her anger over losing her parking space dissipated into sharp pangs of lust.
He was utterly breathtaking in a rough, sort of unpolished, way. The sharp, angular planes of his face were accentuated by his light tan. High cheekbones gave way to deep grooves on either side of his luscious lips. Brown eyes flecked with amber and lined with a thick fringe of lashes, gleamed. The sun, just beginning to fade, flashed one more smile of brilliance on his thick black hair.
His yummilicious lips curved into a warm grin. He stuck out his big hand, making the thin white T-shirt he wore pull tightly against his thick biceps. As the chilly fall breeze whistled, it blew his light cologne under her nose, spicy and fresh. Awareness fizzled up and down her spine.
Im Max Adams. I guess well be neighbors if Im in your parking spot.
Max She took his offered hand, relishing the way it enveloped hers. A warm tingle of pleasure threaded through her fingers and shot up her arm. Her mouth was hanging open -- she just knew it. JC squared her shoulders and pried her tongue off the roof of her mouth.
Nice to meet you, Max Adams, Im JC, and yes, this is my parking spot. But its okay. I can see youre busy. Ill just take Mr. Clements spot. He doesnt usually get home until around eight or so. Do you think that will give you enough time to finish? She peeked over his shoulder to see what he had left in the truck.
Im almost done. If youll grab that box and take it inside with you, Ill have one of the guys move the truck and Ill put your car right where it belongs. Max grinned again and her knees jiggled like tapioca. JC found herself digging around in her purse to hand him her car keys and take the box.
Which apartment is it? she asked as she climbed the steps.
I think Im right across from you, Two-C. He winked at her.
Oh, hell. She pondered the ramifications of stud-o-licious moving in next door to her. He probably had too many girlfriends to count and a revolving door to match. She dropped the box on the floor by the door and surveyed the large living room.
His sectional couch was covered in boxes but she could make out the rich, masculine colors of red and gold. A bookcase lined one wall, filled with an assortment of books.
A hunk who actually reads books, real books not involving pictures of naked women. Novel concept indeed .
She heard his heavy feet coming up the steps and approaching the door. Maxs body brushed hers as he inched past her. His muscled chest pressed up against hers for a brief moment, and her nipples seemed to think that was A-okay.
JC sucked in a breath of air and let it back out discreetly. The space between them pulsed with something she couldnt identify but definitely existed. JC watched his nostrils flare and found the small scar just above his lip fascinated her.
Looking up at him she commented, Youve got quite a collection of of books there. Very bright observation indeed, JC. Way-to-go. Dazzle him with your above average IQ . That couldnt have been her voice that came out all husky and seductive-like, could it?
His shoulder just touched the top of her head as he leaned into her. Lord, he was fantastic. He smiled that oral hygienists wet dream of a smile. Yeah, I love to read, nothing too heavy, mind you, but I love a good story. Do you read? He tilted his head to the left and cocked one eyebrow with apparent interest.
sp; Sure, when I have the time. Not the stuff you read though.
His eyes twinkled with interest. Romance novels, right?
He made it sound like Tolstoy.
How had their lips gotten this close? She could see right past those pearly whites to his fillings. His toothpaste-fresh breath fanned her face. JC ran her tongue over her lips nervously. Yeah, romance novels. She sagged back against the door.
Affirmative, he was frosting her wheaties.
Hookay, time to go.
How about a beer?
Or, she could stay.
No, Fluffy was waiting.
That would be nice, but itll have to be another time. I have to go feed my dog. God, Fluffy was the most perfect excuse in the universe not to throw this man down on the floor and have unbridled sex with him. Thank you, Fluffy !
Ya mean the big gray, good looking beast I saw in the alleyway?
You couldnt have seen him, hes inside. Panic began to settle in the pit of her belly.
Well, Im pretty sure it was him. Your neighbor from upstairs told me you had a new dog that looked like a hound from hell. He was in the alleyway when I went to the dumpster to ditch some of these boxes.
Oh shit. Are you sure? She squeezed out the door past his big frame and went across the hall to her apartment.
Max followed closely behind her and jingled her keys under her nose. You forgot something.
Grabbing them from him, she thrust the key into the lock and flung open the door.
Fluffy! Fluuuffyyyy. Cmere boy, cmon snookums, dont hide on me. Im home, dont you want to eat? Max was right behind her when she crossed the hall into her bedroom.
Look, the window is open. Thats how he got out. The cool night air rustled the curtains confirming Maxs statement.
Oh no! I have to go find him. Why would he run away? Her heart sank in her chest. Tears burned the back of her eyelids. She swiped angrily at them. Shed only had him for a day but shed become attached to the idea of having him here when she came home. Maybe he just wasnt meant to be inside. The guy at the ASPCA said they thought he was part wolf. Wolves liked to roam free, didnt they? Howl at the moon?
JC leaned out the window and called his name. Maxs strong hands grabbed her waist and pulled her back inside, turning her to face him.
You might fall, he scolded. Look, maybe hes just the kind of dog who likes to be outside. I bet he comes back. I would if I were him. His grip lay loosely on her hips as his amber flecked eyes searched hers. Hell come back, he assured her again. In the meantime why dont you come back to my place and well have that beer. I might even throw in a pizza if you help me unpack. His thumb made a lazy pattern across the small of her back and her spine arched into the digit willingly. Her nipples tightened sharply and heat was rapidly building in her nether regions.
JC couldnt help but smile as she backed out of his reach. It wouldnt do to have an orgasm here in front of her nice new neighbor Only a man could think of food and alcohol when in a time of crisis.
So what do you like on your pizza?
I get a choice?
Only if you help me unpack.
Im afraid to leave. What if Fluffy comes back?
Fluffy? You named a dog as handsome as that Fluffy?
Well in case you didnt notice, he is pretty fluffy. And nobody seems to think hes all that good-looking but you -- and of course, me.
Really? Well, theres no accounting for taste. I happen to think hes magnificent.
JCs heart fluttered in her chest. Why should she care if he liked her dog? So do I. Do you really think hell come back?
He grinned at her. Im betting on it. Some dogs just need to roam. Hell get hungry and hell come back.
Youre not just saying that because you need help unpacking, are you?
Well, yeah its part of my devious plan to get you to help me find a place for my paper plates. After that, Im going to seduce you. His teasing eyes burned in the darkening bedroom.
JC shivered with a chuckle. Okay, but the pizzas on you. Hold the seduction please .
Chapter Four
JC was busily rearranging his kitchen cabinets when the pizza arrived. Max set plates out for the both of them at his scarred-oak kitchen table and lit a candle.
He pulled a chair out for her and gestured for her to sit with an inviting smile. Cmon, youve been working hard over there. Sit and relax, I want to get to know my new neighbor.
Could we do that in the biblical sense, please ? Jesus, what was wrong with her? Her nipples had taken on a life of their own and the downstairs portion of her body felt like it had just gone through the rinse cycle of a washing machine. She was eyeing him up like he was the only heterosexual male at a convention for gays. Her eyes strayed to the tight press of his jeans as he leaned back in his chair. Now, there was a package to behold and not the kind a girl normally got under her Christmas tree.
Whoa, chill out, JC . Chill nothing, he was sexy and she was sure to begin panting any second. An urge to run her tongue over those luscious lips prompted her to sit up straight in her chair and attack her pizza with vigor. Shoving food in her mouth had to be better than forcing herself on this poor, unsuspecting man. Her mouth watered and it wasnt over the pizza.
Have you lived here long?
JC shrugged her shoulders as she wiped her mouth. About five years in this apartment. I moved here when my folks moved to Florida to retire.
Not a Florida kind of girl, huh? I need the change of seasons personally.
So did she. So when her parents announced they were moving to Florida , JC had kissed them on the cheek and waved goodbye. No thongs for this girl. I like the change of season too. It just doesnt seem like Christmas if its eighty degrees and green. Besides, I have the salon I couldnt leave.
He chuckled. Yeah and I love the mountains. Not too many of those in Florida . You own a salon?
Co-own. My partner is my friend from high school. Shes married now, so she works much less. Where do you come from, somewhere here in Jersey ?
Yeah, I come from Columbia .
Columbia ? The sticks . What brings you to this part of Jersey ?
He tipped his head back as he took a swig of beer. Business.
Business? Who gave a damn about business when you could watch Max drink a beer? His lips worked the bottle like a hooker worked Forty-Second Street , the muscles convulsing as he took a long pull and smiled at her with satisfaction.
JC stuffed more pizza in her mouth. Between bites she asked, Business? What kind of business?
A little bit of this and a little of that. Mostly preservation. Wildlife preservation.
Well, was that vague enough for you ? So he was into the environment. What did she care what he did? She just wanted to screw his brains out.
OMIGOD . Did she just think that? Oh yes, indeed she had. What the fuck?
Max leaned across the table and pulled some cheese from her chin, gently pushing it into the corner of her mouth. The tip of her tongue grazed his finger briefly before he slid it over her lower lip. Their eyes locked.
JC gulped, but she couldnt pull her gaze from his. Maxs brown, amber flecked eyes mesmerized her, dragging her toward him. Her breathing became short as they stared at one another and so did Maxs.
When he spoke it was low and harsh. Christ, Im having some pretty risqué thoughts about you right now, JC.
Offended yep, thats exactly what she should be. However, she wasnt and JC wasnt exactly sure why not. She just wasnt. She was tempted and if that made her a tramp, then tramp on, girl! R-risqué? Squeaking -- she was squeaking.
Leaning into her, he laid his chest over the table, bracing his hands on it, and inched toward her lips. Definitely.
JCs nipples tightened to sharp points and poked at her sweater. Okay, she was going to walk on the wild side, go out on a limb. And those risqué thoughts are?
Maxs eyes narrowed, his lips speaking words that didnt offend her, they made her wild with lust. Slowly and precisely he said, I dont know if youre read
y to hear them.
Oh, but she was, silly man her tongue ran over her bottom lip, and her throat was dry when she said, Try me.
Maxs nostrils flared and his eyes flashed dark and brooding. I want to spread your legs and bury myself between them
Ooooh. Oh oh oh. Oh, my .
JCs thoughts exploded as a visual of Max throwing her on top of the table and ripping her jeans off flashed into her minds eye. She squirmed in her chair, barely able to contain the impulse to rip her clothes off for him. O-okay she said on an intake of air. JC burned, her breasts ached and her pussy throbbed with a need -- that in her thirty years of life, shed never before experienced.
Max was abrupt as he stood, knocking his chair over behind him and grabbing her so fast she clutched his bulky arms to steady herself. His hands yanked her roughly to him, pressing her hips flush to his and grinding against her roughly.
Max bent JC back over the table, shoving the pizza to the floor as the bottles of beer fell and the glass shattered on the tile. It was a vague, distant sound in JCs ears, dominated by the pounding of her heart and the ache between her legs. His eyes never left her face as he positioned himself between her legs, sliding her roughly to him.
Max unzipped his jeans with slow ease, pushing them down over his lean hips. His cock, hard and thick, fell forward onto her thigh. JCs hands clenched into tight fists, so strong was the desire to reach between them and clasp it. Max hiked her legs over his hips and put both hands on either side of her body. His eyes devoured her as he rubbed his cock between her legs, still in jeans. It throbbed between them, so hot she could feel it through her clothing, scraping the cleft between her thighs and making her hips rise to meet his thrusts.