ExFiles - Maxies Man Read online

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  Yes, a long day. Tell me something, Conan. Why arent you a little more pissed off at this whole curse thing?

  I have seen this Conan on the television, and I must tell you I am nothing like him. He is, how do you say, a wussy compared to men of my caliber.

  Maxine laughed as she toyed with her fluffy white rice. Answer the question. Why arent you angry?

  He shrugged his big shoulders. What purpose would it serve to be angry? This was my chosen path for a reason. Had I not been sent here, I would not have met you. He shoveled some more vegetables in his mouth and grinned.

  Well, how do ya like those apples?

  Okay, so she had a warm fuzzy. It would pass. Maxie shook it off and picked up her plate, setting it in the sink. Being in the same room with him was overwhelming her. His big frame looked good, smelled good, and hadnt been near her frame in a week. She all of a sudden felt like a nymphomaniac.


  I think Im going to go to bed early. Im beat, she called over her shoulder as she passed him.

  You sleep well, Maxie. Ill clean up.

  Jerk. Clean up, why dont you?

  Damn him for being so utterly fabulous.

  Maxie stomped off to her bedroom, slamming the door behind her. Unbuttoning her shirt, she yanked it off and threw it on the floor. Tonight she would sleep if it was the last thing she did

  * * *

  She put the pillow over her face.

  She adjusted the blankets.

  She rolled over.

  She rolled back.

  She kicked the covers off.

  She tried breathing deeply.

  She focused on the spot on the wall.

  She created her own special thinking spot.

  She thought of Kellens hands.

  She thought of his lips.

  She thought of his well, his

  She freakin gave up!

  Nothing would help sleep come unless she came maybe. Maxie giggled to herself, clamping her hand over her mouth. Oy, this was just ridiculous. There was a perfectly good delusion out on her couch just waiting for her to have him. So why didnt she go do just that?

  Have him.

  Her nipples tightened. She didnt because she just didnt do that. Never had she approached Juan for sex. Juan was always the aggressor and even then, it wasnt anything more than her duty to him as his wife.

  Ah, but hes not Juan

  No, he wasnt Juan. Juan never, not even once, made her feel the way Kellen did. And it wasnt just the sex. It was the emotion Kellen evoked. She felt cherished by the words he spoke, in the way he took such care to see to her needs.

  That was also what made him one of the third centurys best lotharios. Hence the bad mojo thing from the wicked witch of the whatever.

  Well, wait one damn second. Who said anything other than a good rumble between the sheets was what was happening here? So what if he was a warrior playboy? She was just going to have him.

  Not marry him.

  Well, that settled that. Shed found justification! Screw worrying about her normally shy approach to boinking. There was sex to be had out on that couch.

  Maxie stripped off her nightgown and confidently strode to her bedroom door. She flung it open, walking out into the moonlit room. Maxie was no longer ashamed to be naked as shed once been with Juan. Working out and much therapy had taught her to accept her body, once battered and bruised, now healing and HORNY with a big old capitol H .

  Kellens feet hung over the edge of the couch he was so big. She came to stand above him. His eyes were closed, his chest rising and falling steadily. Leaning over, she traced the outline of his lips, smooth and firm. Those lips that brought her to orgasm after orgasm. She shivered from the memory. Her legs wavered for only moments before she brought her hands to run over the hard contours of his arms.

  Her heart hammered in her chest as she pushed the blanket away, revealing his thick cock, already hard. She tugged it gently, unashamed to ogle him. I see youre awake. She was bold and brazen and and well, feeling like a bitch on wheels for lack of nookie.

  Kellen smiled, his teeth flashing white against his ruddy skin. I am awake now, MLady. What is it you wish from me this fine evening?

  It was now or never.

  Straddling him, she wedged her leg between his hard thigh and the couch. Sliding up his chest, she brought her hips to his mouth, brushing the hair from his forehead with her fingers. I want you, she whispered as confidently as she could.

  His hands cupped her ass, kneading the flesh. His hot breath hovered near her pussy, sending heat straight to her clit. Have I told you, MLady, that the smooth surface between your legs is most tempting? My tongue glides between your folds with ease, allowing me easy access to this, he said as he swiped at her clit with his hot tongue.

  Maxie moaned, rolling her hips, letting her eyes slide shut. She felt the first press of his mouth to her and she gasped as his tongue explored the swollen outer lips of her cunt in a gentle caress.

  Tugging at his head, she buried her hands in his hair, pulling him closer, encouraging him to slip between the wet folds, but he continued his unhurried exploration. The rasp of his tongue frustrated her as he swept over the length of her cunt, just grazing the swollen nub of her clit.

  Please, Kellen, she moaned, not caring about anything but his tongue in her.

  Ah, Maxie, you are impatient, he chuckled. But the smell of your sweetness is best savored, the taste better for the anticipation. Tell me what it is that you wish. My tongue between your soft folds?

  Maxie whimpered, biting her lip. Yes With a will of their own, needing to quiet the ache, her fingers slipped into her folds as he whispered kisses over the soft skin of her inner thighs. He caught a finger between his lips, growling as he suckled it.

  She pulled it away from him, no longer willing to play. Spreading her flesh, she opened herself to him, enticing him to lick her. He complied with a long swipe of his tongue that had her rocking toward him, planting herself firmly over his mouth. Kellen slid further down the couch as she rode his lips. Finding her passage he slipped his tongue inside her. A wave of electricity slammed into her gut as he wedged into her, thrusting, bringing his fingers to her clit, and fondling her.

  Moving in small juts up and down on his tongue, she fucked it, rolling to the rhythm he created. She was on fire with the need to come as she now boldly brought her hands to her breasts, cupping them, rolling her nipples between her fingers. The echo of his tongue lapping at her flesh was carnal erotic. Kellen replaced his tongue with his finger, latching onto her clit as he sank into her. Maxie felt the onslaught of a newly familiar need. The ache forced her to press her cunt to him. The friction was delicious and hot.

  When the first jolt of orgasm hit her, she clenched the hand that now held her ass, gripping his wrists as she slammed into him. Kellen wouldnt let go, pulling her flush to him as he lapped at her pussy. She screamed his name when the pulse of her climax made her dizzy, a roar of blood rushing to her ears as she clung to him.

  Pulling her hips from his mouth, she slithered back down his chest, rubbing against his smooth skin as she went. Her lips found his, sinking her tongue into his mouth. He met her kiss, wrapping his arms around her as his thick shaft pressed against her ass.

  Tell me what you want, Kellen, she whispered against his mouth. You always give to me, but you never ask in return. Whatever you want Ill do

  He groaned as his hips ground against her. I know not of your experience, Maxie. I only know I do not wish you to seek this with any other man.

  Her heart pounded at his words, but she pressed him, My experience has never been anything like this, Kellen. I want to please you too. Tell me what you like.

  He kissed her nose. Have you yet to pleasure a man with your mouth, Maxie?

  Maxie knew what he wanted and no, she had little experience with this particular aspect of lovemaking. But she was curious and wanted to give back to him what hed given her.

  It hit her then, just ex
actly what Kellen had done. Hed given her freedom. Freedom to express her sexuality, enjoy the beauty of making love without the fear of abandonment or worse, feeling dirty.

  Ive never done that, but I want to, Kellen. She slithered down his body to kneel between his thighs. She grasped his cock, tunneling it, savoring the silken heat.

  He stilled her hands with his. No, Maxie, I do not wish for you to do something that makes you feel discomfort.

  I dont ever feel uncomfortable with you, Kellen not ever, she replied, her voice husky to her ears as she leaned forward and licked the hard shaft.

  Kellen bucked beneath her, his powerful body tensing as her tongue tentatively swept his hard length. Maxie, do not he trailed off with an ahh, as she slipped him into her mouth, ignoring him while taking as much of him as she could.

  A sharp thrill shot through her as she tasted him. She and Juan had never experienced this kind of intimacy. Sex wasnt something he considered an important aspect of their relationship to bond over. Using her as a punching bag was his way of bonding with her.

  Swirling her tongue over Kellens shaft, she found a sensitive spot just beneath the head of his cock and pressed her tongue flat against it. Kellen writhed in response, thrusting up into her mouth, shoving his hands in her hair, and gripping her head. Maxie cupped his balls, kneading them upward, licking him in long hot strokes from stem to stern, twisting her hands as she went. She enveloped him again, loving the texture on her tongue, the slick glide she created.

  Kellen hissed a yes when she lapped at his balls. His hands found her breasts, feverishly rolling her nipples between his fingers, making Maxies cunt slick again, aching for him to be inside of her. As she went down on him for another pass of tongue and lips, he pulled away. You must stop, Maxie, he groaned in frustration. I cannot be held responsible for what may happen. Come up here to me NOW .

  Maxie slid back up over his thighs, settling on his hips, cradling his cock against the heat of her pussy, rubbing it on her clit. A shiver of delight raced through her when he trailed his finger between the swollen folds, rolling her clit between thumb and forefinger.

  His breathing was shallow and rapid as he spoke in the brogue that sent chills up her spine, making her nipples tight with the need for his tongue. Bring your breasts to my mouth, Maxie. They are beautiful and full, ripe, waiting to be licked by my greedy tongue.

  Kellen braced his arms on the couch and sat up, taking her with him, scraping her cunt against his cock as he went. Maxie caught her breath as he lifted her over his shaft then cupped her breasts together, bringing her nipples to his mouth he suckled hard.

  White-hot lightning shot to her pussy, making it impossible to wait for him to be inside her. Lifting her hips, she leaned back as Kellen licked her nipples and hovered over his cock. His hips reached upward, his lips frantically tugging at her.

  She descended on him slowly. Her slick cunt allowing her an easy pass. Kellen groaned between her breasts as she positioned herself on him. The crisp hair at the base of his cock stroked her clit as she rocked on him, bracing her hands on his thighs.

  Her nipples were hard in his mouth as he nipped at them. Maxie cried out when Kellen grew impatient and drove harder. Her walls clenched him. Her hands gripped his thighs as she rode him. His cock was thick and hot, moving in her.

  No longer able to take the exquisite torment of his tongue on her nipples, she pushed herself upward and clutched his head to her. Using her knees, she rose high and drove him back into her, over and over, holding onto the heat that was trapped in her cunt.

  The tension in Kellens body was palpable as he slipped his hands under her and cupped her ass, urgently gripping her, wedging a finger where their bodies were joined. Maxie lost all control when he pinched the flesh of her ass in his big hands. Milking his cock, she came, long and hard, grinding into him, meeting his frenzied thrusts with vigor. Kellen let go too, jerking in her as his cock slowed its pace.

  She must have been holding her breath because she exhaled, letting a huge blast of air out as she did. Tears threatened to slip down her cheeks and she squeezed her eyes shut to keep them in check.

  Kellens breathing was ragged as he lifted his head and caught a tear with a fingertip. Ah, Maxie, you are beautiful to behold when you find your release.

  Maxie looked away, but Kellen cupped her jaw. Do not ignore this between us, Maxie. It is like nothing Ive ever known. Look at me when you admit this.

  Tears fell from her eyes now, running freely over her cheeks, and she couldnt explain why. Yes, she nodded, this is like nothing Ive ever known. She sucked in a shaky breath at her admission.

  Kellen kissed her wet cheeks and stroked her back. You are the most beautiful woman I know, Maxie, in this century and my own. What you have given me this night is a gift I will never forget.

  Maxie sobbed harder, like a big, fat baby, as Kellen gathered her closer, rocking her. She felt safe, and that frightened her above anything else.

  Tell me what troubles you, Maxie? Why this flood of sadness?

  Well, crap. She didnt know how to explain it. How did you tell the guy whod come from another century what it was like to be sexually liberated? That her first ever blowjob had been empowering?

  That shed actually enjoyed giving said blowjob. How did you tell him that when he held her, she feared nothing? How could she possibly explain what it was like to overcome what Juan had done to her self-esteem? She knew now that shed helped Juan to batter her, at least mentally. Shed enabled him by staying, but shed been too afraid to leave him. She had no family and no one who she thought she could turn to. With her mother gone, there was nowhere to hide from Juan.

  But look at you now. Strong, independent, earning your life back day-by-day, Katy had said. Yes, she was so much stronger now, but the part of her whod depended on Juan, and now depended solely on her, was afraid to give that independence up. Afraid to share that with anyone else for fear it would be snatched away.

  I dont know she sobbed, Juan, she sniffed, Juan she hiccupped, Juan and I, well we, we --

  Do not speak of Juan if he hurt you in the mating bed, Maxie, he cut her off, growling the words, for I will not be able to tolerate hearing such filth!

  Maxie clung to him now, shaking her head. No, no, Juan didnt hurt me, but he didnt

  Ah, Kellen said with knowing, he has not the virility of a man such as me.

  Maxie started to giggle. Between snorts she said, Is there no end to your vanity?

  Kellen sat her upright. Tis true, yes? His smile was infectious and she giggled harder.

  Yes, tis true Conan, your virility is far superior to Juans. She bracketed his face and kissed him, softly. You make me feel things Ive never felt before and it has me all screwed up.

  He wiggled his eyebrows at her, lifting her off him. He swung his legs over the edge of the couch and pulled her up, taking her toward the bedroom. If we do not hurry to wash, you shall see just how superior my virility is by the size of the wet spot on the couch.

  Maxie began to laugh again as she followed him. Cmon, Conan. If youre very good, Ill let you change the sheets after we shower.

  Oh, the delights of the mating bed, he chuckled as he led her into the bathroom.

  Chapter 5

  Okay, now listen to me, Kellen. The girls think weve been dating. They know nothing about this time-travel thing, something Im not entirely convinced of myself. So I want you to sit nicely, smile at them, and not say a word, do you hear me?

  Kellen nodded affirmatively, grinning at being able to convince her he should come to girls night out. I promise to sit quietly. I know the ways of this wenches night out. Maxie, you forget I was in the shadows for five years past in your land.

  Maxie straightened his collar. Well, you just remember that they dont know your ways, Conan, and they wont take too kindly to you calling them wenches. Now promise to be a nice delusion and not give us up.

  He kissed the tip of her nose. I promise. Come, wench. He offered her his arm. Let
us find your fellow wenches.

  Maxie laughed as she led him to their favorite table in the far corner. Hey, guys. Id like you to meet Kellen.

  Her heart pounded with pride as each head turned slowly. Victoria s green eyes were wide, and Katy smiled warmly as she nudged Maddie, whose mouth was open. Maxie caught her under the chin and helped her close it.

  Ladies, it is a pleasure. Kellen held out his hand. You must be Victoria . I know from the color of your eyes, emerald, like the stone. And you are Katy. Maxine says your smile is warm as the sun. And this this is Maddie. I was told I would know you right away, and Maxine was right.

  His accent must have been giving Victoria palpitations, because she was fanning herself with a napkin. Its a pleasure and, yes, Im Victoria , she offered coolly.

  Its really nice to meet you, Kellen. Maxies told us a lot about you. Grab a seat, and right again. Im Maddie. Maddie pumped his hand.

  Kellen took a chair and sat between Katy and Maxine, draping his arm over Maxines shoulder. So, Kellen, what do you do for a living? Katy asked.

  Kellen squared his shoulders, prepared beforehand by Maxie, to do battle. I am a chef. I trained in England .

  Nice delivery

  Oh! Maddie squealed. He cooks? Maybe you could teach my Cole a thing or two about the fine art of something more nutritious than a Happy Meal.

  I do. I cook for Maxine, he offered proudly.

  Yes, Im sure you do cook, darling, Victoria said, letting her innuendo slide right in.

  Maddie kicked her under the table and slapped Kellen on the back. So, big guy, how do ya feel about karaoke?

  * * *

  Kaaaarmmaaa, Kaaarma, Karma Chameleeeeon! You come and and go, you c and go-oh-ooh! Lovin would be easy if if yourcolorswerelikemydreams red, gold

  Kellen had officially been bitten by the karaoke bug. Three or four bottles -- of what he called mead-- and he was hugging that microphone like a long lost friend. Struggling to keep up with the scrolling screen on the karaoke machine, he belted out what once was one of Maxies favorite tunes.

  Victoria sang backup and Maddie helped.


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