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ExFiles - Maxies Man Page 5
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Katy chuckled out loud, something she rarely did, catching Maxie off guard. Hes lovely, Maxie. Im so happy youve met someone who shares your love of karaoke.
Yeah, hes hes great. She heard herself admit it, and it felt right.
Katy nodded. I can see that by the way he looks at you and by the way you look at him. Just might be something long-term here, huh?
Maxie cocked her head. If only Katy knew just how long term. I dont know, Katy. I like him so much and he does things to my insides, you know?
Katys smile was wistful. Yes, she whispered softly, I do know. Does he know about Juan?
Maxie nodded. Yes, I told him everything. Hes been wonderful.
Did you tell him about the dreams?
Damn Katy for thinking you should lay all of your cards on the table when you began a relationship. Um, not yet theyve gone now. Maybe it was just like the therapist said, brain trauma.
Maybe. It doesnt matter. Im happy for you. I know this is scary. Its been a horrible year for you, but look at who you are now. Youre working and healing and now youve found a wonderful hunk of a man, who seems to think youre pretty great too. Life has a funny way of changing, doesnt it, Maxie?
If she only knew Katy, Im afraid. I like Kellen a lot, but theres so much that hurt me. To open myself up like that again, well
Katy rubbed her hand and smiled. You know what, Maxie? I would worry about this if you hadnt taken the time to heal, after the divorce, after the beating. I would worry if you hadnt worked so hard to get help, but you did. In my mind, thats all that matters. Youre getting the warm fuzzies and that frightens you. Dont be frightened, embrace it. I would if I were in your position.
Maxie held Katys hand tighter and looked into her cornflower blue eyes. Sadness lingered there, and longing Katy, youre so sad. Why? Whats happened? Is it the boys? Katy had two grown sons and she worried over them more often than not.
No, its nothing like that, honey. Theyre fine. She paused a moment, clinging to Maxies hand. Its my ex. Looks like hes getting married.
Well, fuck.
Fuck, fuck, fuck.
Oh, Katy, Im sorry. I dont know exactly what went wrong in your marriage, but I do know that he was stupid to leave someone as wonderful as you. Anyone who knew Katy knew she still loved her ex-husband.
Never you mind me. If I were you, Id go rescue that hunk, because I think hes had his fill of what did he call it?
Maxie threw her head back and laughed. Mead.
Kellen weaved his way back to the table, wobbling, with Victoria and Maddie a couple of steps behind. Ah, Maxie! This this thing you call ka kar
Maxie grabbed his hand to steady him, pulling him down in the chair next to hers. Karaoke, she finished for him.
Yes! Kellen roared his approval, I love to sing the music that comes out of the box. It invigorates the soul, rejuvenates the spirit!
Somebodys had a bit too much in the way of spirits, Victoria commented dryly.
Oh, Vic, shut up and let him have fun, Maddie scoffed at her. Hes a hoot and I think if he sticks around Cole will love him.
Maxie clamped her hand over her mouth to keep from laughing out loud. Kellen was soused, while still being incredibly appealing. His ruddy skin was flushed and his glassy eyed stare was rather sexy on a completely new level.
Maxie leaned over and whispered in his ear. Come, my Karaoke King, take me home and have your way with me.
Kellen leaned back in his chair and growled, Doth this mean MLady hath been serenaded so properly that she now feels a special glow?
I hath been serenaded, all right, she giggled. Its always been my dream to be Karma Chameleon-ed to deafness.
Kellen rose, pulling Maxie with him and twirling her around. Bowing to the girls, he smiled at them. It has been my pleasure, ladies, but the hour is late and my wench has made clear her intentions. He wiggled his eyebrows at them as they giggled.
Maxie waved goodbye to the girls and yanked Kellen with her. Lets go, Conan. I think youve had enough mead to last you til the next century.
Kellen laughed, kissing the top of her head. Have I told you, MLady, mead makes me most virile?
Maxie shivered in anticipation. What doesnt make you virile, warrior boy? Breathing makes you virile.
Brussel sprouts, he answered with a chuckle, hath never failed to make my nether regions turn southward.
Then Ill cross them off my list, she teased back, because we couldnt have your nether regions all in a bunch.
Kellen pulled her close as they walked. Then hurry, wench, and un-bunch them
* * *
Kellen tore at Maxies clothes from almost the moment they walked in the door, pushing her to the wall as he ripped at the buttons on her shirt. This night, he whispered hoarsely, I must have you quickly, Maxie. My loins burn for you. He took her hand and crushed it to the bulge in his jeans as he licked his way from her ear to her breast, nipping it through her lacy bra. He pushed it upward, clutching her waist and latching onto a hard nipple. He suckled fiercely, tugging hard at the tight bud, licking it, surrounding it with his mouth.
As long as he lived he would never have enough of her, he thought briefly as she pressed against him, gripping his head. Impatiently he pushed her skirt away, skimming her belly as his hands found the wet warmth between her thighs.
She wore no panties, making his lust rage as heat coursed to his cock. It pressed against his jeans uncomfortably and he unzipped his pants to ease the strain. Kellen knelt before her and Maxie threw a leg up over his shoulder, opening to him. He groaned into her thigh as the familiar smell that was all her lingered in his nostrils.
Thrusting her hips at him, she cupped his chin, pulling him to her pussy, holding the back of his head with her palm. Kellen wasted no time adhering to her demands. His tongue thrust into her, hard and slick. Maxie bucked against him, crushing his face to her as he savored her juices, lapping with rapid, fevered strokes.
He turned, sliding under her, letting her leg fall to the floor, leaning his back against the wall for a better angle at her soaked flesh. Her knees bent as she backed up against him. She slid on his tongue as he lashed out at her with it. Sipping at her clit, he used both hands, running them from her lower back over the firm flesh of her bottom and back down to her cunt, cupping it, pressing her tightly to him. Her hands were planted against the wall by her hips to brace herself as she ground against him.
His cock throbbed. Each stroke of his tongue made him long for it to be the stroke of his cock. Sliding his tongue into her passage was her undoing. She called his name, begging him to lick her as she writhed above him.
Clutching at his head, she pulled him forward and up to face her. Kellen, please, she groaned with urgency as she jammed her hands into his pants, shoving them down past his hips. She stroked him hard, creating fire along the length of his cock, twisting her hands around his shaft. He pressed her firmly against the wall. She gasped for breath but threw her leg up around his hip. Fuck me, Kellen. Fuck me now.
Her command made him insane with the need to ram his cock into her, drive into her until she wept. He clenched his hands at his sides. Maxie wrapped an arm around his neck and yanked his head down to hers. Dont be afraid, Kellen. Im not. You wont hurt me but if you dont fuck me now, she pulled his fist from his side and forced it between her legs, slipping it between the folds of her cunt, Ill come like this. She held his wrist firmly, jamming his hand against her pussy, letting her head fall back, arching her neck.
He swallowed hard. When his lust was so fierce, he feared hurting her, frightening her. But the slick, wet warmth was more than he could bear. His cock raged to feel it milk him. Maxie groaned as she rode his hand. This would be so much better if it were your cock, Kellen.
Blindly, he reached for her, hauling her up around his waist. She hooked her legs around him, sitting high on him, dragging her wet flesh over his belly as she found his now painfully hard cock.
The moment the head of his shaft sensed her warmth, he lost
his control, ramming into her hard. Maxie screamed, hoarse and raw to his ears, and he immediately stilled, fearing he had hurt her.
She dug her nails into his shoulder, gasping out the words, Dont stop, Kellen, dont stop, take me hard, please. She pulled his head back hard, forcing him to look up at her, licking his lips as she began to clench his cock, using her legs for leverage to ride it. Look at me, Kellen. I want you, like no man ever before. Its just like you said youre not hurting me, I promise you. I know you would never hurt me. She whimpered against his mouth. Dont you see I want you just as much? Cant you feel it?
His eyes searched hers frantically. He saw desire, for him, only him. Maxie, you are my undoing. My cock rages for you, lusts for the sweet flesh between your thighs. I wish not to frighten you with it
She appeared frustrated, nipping at his lip she ground out, Kellen, fuck me. Ignoring his protests, she rose high and jammed her slick cunt downward, and then he too lost control. Gripping her bottom, he drove upward forcefully, hard and fast, over and over, as he buried his face in her breast, biting her nipples with gentle teeth.
He could think of nothing but sinking into her. He didnt hear her back hit the wall as he drove into her, nor did he feel her nails rake over his shoulders, digging deeply into his flesh. His focus centered on her words of trust and his cock, ramrod-stiff and hot inside her.
Maxie sobbed as he tongued her nipples. Kellen, I cant wait anymore she screamed, as she took one last hard plunge on him, letting go of his shoulders and clinging to his head at her breast.
Kellen felt the tidal wave of release scream through his cock, tearing at his balls and exploding from him. He rode the wave, jamming Maxie against the wall and clutching her bottom with an iron grip.
Maxie held him close as he spent the last of his seed, her chest heaving violently.
Awareness settled in and he gathered her near as she laid her head on his shoulder. His chest was tight with emotion, something he knew not how to identify. Maxie, you are the most incredible woman I know. I was rougher than I should have been. Come, I will clean you and let you rest.
Lifting her head, she smiled at him as he carried her to the bedroom. Kellen, I think I have a confession
Setting her on the edge of the bed, he withdrew from her, slipping his jeans off,and asked, What is that, MLady?
I really liked it rough. She giggled as a blush stained her cheeks and she lay back on the bed, lifting her arms high above her to stretch. And I dont care if it makes me sound like a tart. So there. She stuck her tongue out at him.
Kellen brought a warm cloth and tended to her, wiping her gently, kissing her thighs, attempting to wash away any pain she might have suffered. Her hands absently caressed his head and his chest tightened again.
A tart, MLady? I would say you were more a tiger than tart.
Rolling her over, he removed her skirt and blouse. Her plump ass raised high in the air caught his attention. His big hands immediately went to her bottom, smoothing the satiny flesh. My Lord, Maxie! I have hurt you. His grip on her had left red hand marks
Hey, Conan, she said over her shoulder, I feel wonderful. Im okay, Kellen. Really. She must have sensed his grave concern. Ill tell you what, warrior boy, you can kiss it and make it all better. Hows that? she teased.
Maxie was jesting, but Kellen was sick with his animal-like behavior. His lips immediately went to her bottom, whispering gentle kisses over it. As he worked his way over her back, he saw the beginnings of discoloration where she had hit the wall.
Oh, God, hed hurt her! He couldnt live with himself. He was swine, lower than Juan, allowing his lust to rule his better judgment. Kellens throat became tight, but Maxie reached around her, pulling him close.
He could not speak for the unbearable shame.
Rolling over she faced him. Kellen, stop. Stop what youre thinking now. Look at me, Kellen, she demanded, cupping his face between her hands. You are not Juan. I consented to your lovemaking. I wanted it as much, if not more. I bruise easily, I always have.
Kellen turned his head away, but she forced him to look her directly in those big brown eyes. Look at me, Kellen, and dont look away! I wont be ashamed of what just happened between us. I wanted you, hard and fast. Juan never cared what I wanted. Carajo! she snapped in his face. He never cared what I didnt want either. Juan only cared about using me to take his fear out on, his frustration, his anger. We never made love, Kellen, we made Juan come, she spat. Do you hear me? Understand this, Kellen, Juan didnt cook for me. He never took the care you do in cleaning me, pleasing me. He stuck it in and pulled it back out, then he beat the living shit out of me in between.
She gripped his face tightly. If you believe youre anything like Juan, then you may as well be cursed for life! But I wont have you feeling guilt at my expense. I wont feel guilty for fucking your brains out and loving every minute of it either!
His words were slow as he tried to speak around the knot in his throat. I would never hurt you, Maxie. Never. I would die first. I am a warrior. This is true. I fought battles in my land. I have murdered, pillaged but never, never would I hurt you. I have never lain a hand on an innocent woman. Only those who were deserving of my wrath, but never a woman.
Maxie wrapped her arms around him. Dont you think I know that? Kellen, how could you doubt that I know that? I know where you came from, or have you forgotten telling me all those warrior stories these past weeks? She pulled his hands to her breasts and he immediately cupped them, stroking the nipples with his thumbs. Maxie caressed them, arching into his palms. I know these hands would never hurt me, Kellen. How could they hurt me, when they do that to me?
He looked down between them to see her nipples rise against his touch -- tighten.
She kissed his lips, slipping her tongue between them to stroke his. I know these lips would never hurt me either, Kellen. He groaned into her mouth as his cock rose, against his will, against all reason. Maxie stroked it with both hands, gently, lovingly
It was then, as Kellen buried his tongue in her mouth, as he stroked the breasts he so loved to taste, that he realized he loved her.
His chest swelled. His heart pounded. This woman, with her soft hands, sweet smile, fierce determination, and lush body, ripe for him, was his love.
Maxie lay against him, her easy caress gliding along his cock, milking him to near release again. Do you see, Kellen? Look what you do when you touch me. Lifting her thigh, she took his other hand from her breast and slid it between her legs. He slipped inside her, tracing the sweet lips of her pussy, fondling her breast. She sighed into his mouth. Do you see? Im wet for you, Kellen. No matter how we make love, hard or slow, its you , your hands that do that
She continued to stroke him, his cock burning in her soft grip, straining against her hand. Dont stop, Kellen, she said as she arched against him, rocking gently against his hands. Make me come with your hands, the only hands that have ever made me feel this way.
His hips began to move against her as his fingers slipped into her tight passage. His thumb gently rubbed the swollen nub as they kissed, long and sweet, tongues tangling with long strokes, their breath a mixture of sighs and harsh rasps.
Ah, Kellen, Im going to come, she enticed. Dont stop, Kellen, and I wont either As her grip on him tightened, he felt her convulse around his finger, her slick flesh weep against his hand. His cock went rigid when she cupped his balls. As she gasped his name, licking at his lips with slow strokes, they came together with leisurely ease.
Kellen spent himself in heated spurts as Maxie arched back, never leaving his cock until his thrusts ended.
Maxie wrapped her arms around his neck and held him close.
Kellen buried his face in her neck, smelling the sweet scent of cinnamon and vanilla. He chuckled. MLady, methinks we have a wet spot
Maxie kissed his forehead. Then methinks youd better find those clean sheets.
Ah, but you are a witty wench, he teased, pulling her up with him to sit at the edge of the bed. Com
e, I shall use these hands you boast over to wash you, yet again, he mocked a sigh.
Maxie hugged him tightly. Ill only consent if you use the apple scented shower gel on me.
Kellen tugged her up, taking her to the bathroom. I shall smell like a wench, but for you I can make this exception.
He turned to face her. Looking down at her, hoping his eyes conveyed what was stuck in his throat, he whispered, Only for you
Chapter 6
Maxie slept cradled against Kellen, waking to his hard body, the musky scent of man, and his thick cock pressed against her. She burrowed beneath the covers, sinking into him, hardly able to believe this man was here with her.
A frown crossed her face. How long would he be here? Kellen claimed the call of the wind no longer whispered to him. He was unable to do the puff of smoke thing anymore, and now everyone could see him. So what did that mean? Because if he had fulfilled his duty to the curse, done his time so to speak, would he be taken away from her?
Her heart clenched tightly. NO . She wouldnt let him go. He was hers.
Hers? Now where the hell had that come from?
He was no longer her delusion, but the man whod taught her to feel again. Hed taught her to enjoy her body, enjoy a mans body for the first time in her life, and shed be damned if shed let that go.
Clinging to the arm that was thrown over her, she concentrated on what to do next. Was there some secret key to his staying here? And where did one go to find it? The magic curse counter at Wal-Mart?
There had to be a way, and if there was one, shed find it. Anxious to begin, she gently moved Kellens arm and sat up.
Well, look at you. A voice from the far corner of the room slammed into her gut. There was no mistaking the thick accent. Maxie jumped, forgetting she was naked.
I see your new boyfriend thinks youre a bitch too, you whore! he seethed in a hiss.
Oh, Jesus Christ, it was Juan.
Maxie flew around, just as he came around the end of the bed. Silent and stealthy he snaked an arm out to wrap around her neck. He flashed something shiny in front of her eyes, before it came to rest at her throat. Say anything, and you die.