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ExFiles - Maxies Man Page 6
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Page 6
Maxie scratched at his hands, fighting wildly as he dragged her backward out into the living room. Her heels dug into the carpet as she soundlessly tried to scream Kellens name.
Juans mouth pressed against her ear, his breath reeking of stale beer. Terror clawed at Maxies gut. You fucking puta ! Look at you, spreading your legs for a man who isnt your husband. I should have killed you when I had the chance, you filthy bitch. If you move Ill slice you open like the pig-bitch you are! His tight voice held fury, a fury so familiar to Maxie she could taste it.
Maxie fought for air as he clamped his hand tightly over her mouth. Her body was rigid against his. Juan pinched her nipple hard as a scream welled in her throat and tears stung her eyes. Thats how you like it now, bitch? If I knew that, I would have never left you for that whore. Who knew I had my own right there at home? You like it rough too, dont you, Maxine? I saw the bruises on your back. You see, Maxine, no matter who you fuck, theyll always beat you, because you deserve it. Because youre a fucking BITCH! He rasped the words in her ear.
Maxies hands lay limp against her sides as she felt the oxygen seep out of her lungs in slow increments. She was going to pass out, but Juans words kept her hanging on as she silently screamed for Kellen in her mind. You know what Im going to do to you, Maxie? Im going to fuck you, just like he did last night. Im gonna fuck you hard, just like you like it, and then Im gonna fuck you again. His breath was choppy and quick as she felt his erection press against her ass.
Did you miss me, Maxine? he sneered. You know what else Im gonna do? Im gonna ram my cock down your throat and make you suck me dry, bitch, and then Ill kill you, you fucking cunt slut!
Revulsion, thick like mud, settled in the pit of her belly, just as anger, wild and untamed, screamed through her nerve endings.
And then she was at peace. A peace so sudden and right, she knew what to do next. Shed die before shed ever let Juan touch her again. Remembering all that shed been taught, each class shed taken, each image stored for just this moment, she struck.
Maxie fell against Juan, letting her body go limp. As she stumbled back against him, giving her full weight to his chest, he fell, losing his grip around her neck, his nails screeching across her skin before he let go as the knife skittered sideways across the floor.
Maxie sprang into action, grabbing the first thing that caught her eye.
A coat rack.
She brought it high over her head. As Juan scrambled to his feet, she swung wide and whaled him on the side of his head. The sickening thud rang out through the air as blood spattered in all directions. Juan reeled backwards, slamming to the floor, but he attempted to stand again, and Maxie came down hard on his ribs with the coat rack.
She heard the crack against his body, but her rage drove her. Relentless and unceasing she threw the coat rack to the floor and kicked him.
Kicked him hard, again and again and again.
She fell to the floor beside him and slapped him forcefully.
He lay lifeless, but she pounded him anyway, pummeling his chest with her fists. I hate you, she screamed, tears streaming down her face. I hate you!
Hands, large and strong, grabbed her by her upper arms and shook her. Maxie! Maxie, stop!
She fought against the hands, scratching and tearing to be free, but they held her firmly, whipping her around sharply. Maxie, tis I, Kellen! he yelled in her face. Stop! Stop this! I am here, Maxie. I love you. Stop stop
Her eyes, wild with fear, gazed into his chocolate brown stare and she shuddered, collapsing against him as he hauled her to his chest. Maxie sobbed, gasping, as the adrenaline rush left her body and the fear took over.
Kellen rocked her against him, stroking her back, murmuring soothing words against her hair. She shook violently, spasms racking her body. Maxie didnt even have the energy to cling to his hard frame as he carried her to the couch.
Maxie heard the distant moan from Juan and she tensed as Kellen jumped to his feet. She struggled to sit up, ready to strike again if need be. Kellen dragged Juan to the corner of the living room just as the room began to rumble.
The vibration hummed through the air and Kellen looked toward the ceiling, a frown creased his brow just as a flash of brilliant white light criss-crossed through the room.
Maxie, too terrified to scream, gripped the edge of the couch as she took in the sight that appeared as the light faded.
A tall woman, in her estimation, probably five foot eleven, with long blonde hair and wearing not much else, stood in the middle of her living room. Familiarity flashed across Kellens face and then anger as his eyes narrowed and he stalked toward the woman.
The woman held her hand up, her full breast lifting as she did. Stop, Kellen. Go no further! she shouted as Kellen came instead to stand near Maxie, placing a possessive hand on her shoulder. Maxie rose on shaky legs to stand beside him. Looking up at him, she whispered out of the side of her mouth, Kellen, youve got some splainin to do.
The blonde strolled leisurely toward them, her long legs graceful and fluid. We meet again, Kellen. I see youve not changed much in the five years past. Her disdainful tone was directed at Maxie.
Kellen cocked an eyebrow. Nor have you, Oriana. He let sarcasm lace his tone.
Holy friggin mojo this must be the witch that cursed Kellen!
Okay, now she was scared.
Oriana smiled at Kellen, her beautiful face turning toward Maxie. She absently surveyed her nails. I am a busy woman, Kellen. I have not time for your games. To what do I owe this beckoning?
I know not, witch. I would think ye would have the answer to that question, he spat.
Oriana sucked in her cheeks and narrowed her amber eyes. Who is this wench, Kellen? Another of your toys, you cad?
Hey, wait a second, she was no toy! Maxie might have spoken up, but quite frankly this was one mean looking bitch, and she was kinda freaking her out.
Kellen pulled Maxie closer. This is my love, Oriana. Do not speak ill of her, or I shall cut your tongue from your head! he threatened.
Yeah, see? Take that!
Wait his love ? Maxies heart beat faster as she snuggled against his side. His love well, then that was just fine. Lets just see this Ori-whatserface try to take him from her! Shed challenge her to a duel at dawn or whatever they did when you were a warrior.
Oriana pinned Maxie with a look, deadly and calm.
Okay, maybe she ought to re-think the duel at dawn
Tell me, you cad. Dost thou love this wench?
Yeah, dost thou?
Kellen thrust his hard jaw forward. I do. And if you harm one hair on her head I shall see you on the chopping block!
She chuckled. Ah, Kellen, now you must know what it is to feel love. It is not an emotion to be toyed with, she thundered. How would thou feel should she be taken away? What if she toyed with you, as you did with so many, but to leave you for another?
Kellens nostrils flared. I found the woman of my heart. That is no longer possible.
Oh yeah, shed forgotten, he was a cad.
But he was her cad.
Um, Miss O, er, I think hes learned his lesson. I mean, look, he hasnt been able to do the poof thing in days and well, hes done a lot of avenging. So what do you say we call it even and you go home to to, well, to wherever and Ill keep a close eye on Kellen to be sure he doesnt do the cad thing?
Kellen glanced down at Maxie and grinned. You love me, MLady, do you not? He shook his head. Never mind, of course you do, tis my virility he trailed off when Maxie nudged him hard in the ribs.
Vain as ever, I see. I am dreadfully sorry, wench, she said to Maxie, but alas, Kellen must return with me. He has fulfilled the curse by falling in love. There is nothing left to do.
NO! I wont let you take him. He stays or I go with him.
Orianas amber eyes rolled in her head. You are a simple wench. I cannot leave him here. The curse is fulfilled. He must return or find someone to take his place in our century.
Oy. Now how the heck wa
s she supposed to do that? I mean, it wasnt every day you found a cad just lying around waiting to be shipped off to parts unknown. It just wasnt possible. It took skill and finesse to rope one of those bad-boys in. Besides, no one would be willing to go back to the dark ages and and
Maxie stepped out from behind Kellen. Take him, she said without hesitation, pointing to Juan who lay unconscious on the floor.
Oriana strode over to Juan, nudging him with her toe. He is a cad like you, Kellen? she called over her shoulder.
He is, but he is mean, Oriana. His temper is great. His fists hold fury.
Her arched eyebrow rose. He strikes you?
Maxie nodded. I was married to him. He beat me nearly every day for fifteen years.
A feisty cad? she laughed, throwing her head back. We have many uses for the likes of such scum! All right, wench, he is mine. Kellen is of no use to me when he fawns over you. With that, she hauled Juan over her shoulder and disappeared in a puff of black smoke.
Maxie fell to the couch, too stunned to speak. No pomp, no circumstance, just gone.
Kellen sat beside her, running his hands over her face with concern. Maxie tell me you are all right. You fought like a tiger. Never have I seen even the bravest of warriors fight as you did.
I dont know what happened, Kellen. One minute I was petrified and the next I wanted him dead. Her bottom lip quivered.
Tis rage, I imagine, left in you for many years. Had I awakened sooner, I would have seen him dead! He ran his hands over hers, swollen from hitting Juan. Then he touched his lips to the scratches on her neck.
Maxie slipped her arms under his and held him. Im okay, now, Kellen. Really. Lying back, she pulled him with her.
I will hurt you, Maxie. Let me prepare a bath, so you might soak your soreness.
No, not now. Just stay near me. I need to feel you close, please The past hours terror seeped into her bones and she melted into the couch, letting Kellens hard body absorb some of it. Spreading her legs, she wrapped them around him and breathed deeply.
He kissed her eyelids, stroking her hair and easing her fear. His cock lay hard between her thighs, yet he didnt take advantage.
But Maxie did as she lifted her hips and pressed against the head of his shaft, urging him to enter. It felt right, to begin this day with Kellen. After so many years of fear it was finally over and her need to reach out to the new overwhelmed her.
No, Maxie. You must rest please. He stroked her lips with his tongue and a slow simmer of heat burned for him between her thighs. I love you, Maxie, and now that I am here for as long as the Lord wishes, I am here with you. We have many nights to play in the mating bed.
Maxie smiled. I love you too, Kellen, and I say why waste one more second for the mating bed? Reaching between them, she positioned him at her entrance and thrust upward, clutching his ass to bury him deeply inside her. Ah she moaned against his mouth. Now stay where you are.
Kellen chuckled, then hissed when she pulled her hips back again, only to push him plunging into her. Reveling in his hard, silken cock, she sighed with contentment as Kellen stroked her lazily, with a sweet slowness.
Release came for both of them in a matter of moments, a gentle turn around a corner, filled with the passion they shared, and beginning their future.
Sighing, Maxie pressed her breasts against his chest, and he leaned down to quickly lave a nipple. You know something, Kellen?
He became transfixed again while licking the tight bud as Maxie tunneled her fingers in his hair. What, MLady?
It occurred to me that while all this went on not a one of us had our clothes on but Juan.
Kellen lifted his head to look at her, replacing his tongue with his finger. If I have it my way, you will always be naked
You know what else, Kellen?
MLady, you disturb me. Can you not see I am busy? Kellen returned to her nipple, enveloping it in his mouth. Her heart tightened with the vision of his dark head at her breast.
Sighing, she tugged his head up. Kellen!
He smiled, sighing in mock exasperation. Say it, MLady, so that I might return to the task at hand.
Um, if you keep that up
Were gonna have a really BIG wet spot.
Kellen laughed. Tis fine, MLady. I believe tis your turn to clean the wet spot.
Kellen and Maxie smiled at one another from across Maddies apartment. Maxie rubbed her belly contentedly and sighed. Maddie was busy mingling with her other guests, dragging a smiling Cole behind her.
Maddie and Cole were having what Maddie jokingly called her lets not get hitched party. Cole had finally convinced her they could make this thing work and despite Maddies protests, she decided moving in together for starters was okay. She beamed with love as Cole joked and laughed with her.
Maxie popped a deviled egg in her mouth just as Kellen came up behind her and nuzzled her neck. Leaning back against him, she smiled as his hands ran possessively over the small mound of her belly.
Tell me, MLady, doth the baby like his fathers deviled eggs?
Well, lets hope so, but if not, the babys mother does. She smiled, licking her fingers.
Kellens culinary interests led him to attend cooking school. He now was the head chef at an exclusive country club, specializing in old Celtic recipes.
Kellens hands rested just beneath her breasts. Her pregnancy made them ripe and full, leading Kellen to believe that the old standard barefoot and pregnant was just how he liked Maxie.
Im worried, Kellen, she said out loud, clasping his hands in hers.
What troubles you? Is it the baby?
Turning, she slipped her arms under his and rested her head on his chest. No, the baby is just fine. Im worried about Katy. Shes been so quiet and sad. It frightens me.
Kellen stroked her head. Ah, yes, her ex-husband is marrying again I would not wish her such sadness. She needs maybe to go to her thinking spot?
A small tear welled in the corner of Maxies eye. Oh, Kellen, if only that were the answer. Lifting her head, she looked for Katy, who was, only moments ago, quietly sipping her wine and rocking in Maddies favorite chair.
Oh, Kellen. I wish well, I wish that Katy could go back. Back to when she and her ex were happy, knowing what she knows now. Maybe somehow she could stop this, change it. She loves him so much. Where is she by the way?
Hey, Victoria , Maxie called. Have you seen Katy?
* * *
Katy set her wine down and went off to find Maddies bathroom. She needed a moment to gather her thoughts, examine her guilt over feeling so left out with all of this happiness surrounding her.
She loved Maxie and Maddie, yet if she allowed herself the pity party she so wanted to indulge in, she would resent their happiness. Happiness was elusive to her, lost now to another woman who would take her place in Garrets life.
Clutching the edge of the sink, she waited as the wave of dizziness passed. She hadnt felt well since shed arrived, and it was becoming the perfect excuse to leave early. Eyeing herself in the mirror, she smiled forlornly, trying to shake off the sadness that pervaded every cell in her body.
God, she missed Garret.
No amount of research, fancy therapeutic words, or damn thinking spots made that go away. If it would always ache this way, as fresh as if her divorce had just happened, then she didnt want to wake up another day.
The therapist in her rebelled against the very idea, but the lonely, sad, disinterested Katy just wanted to go back. Back to the beginning, so that she could right this grievous error.
Sinking to the floor in defeat, she rested her forehead against the cool porcelain of Maddies tub. She let her eyes flutter closed and the wave of nausea passed.
A pounding beat throbbed in her head. Katy fought to open her eyes, struggling against the black vortex sucking her toward a swirl of dim light.
Hey, Kaaaaatyyyy! Wake UP!
Katy moaned. Her head felt like shed j
ust attended a ten day marathon on How to Hone Your Counselors Listening Skills, one-O-one.
She hated that seminar
Someone buzzed in her ear, Katy! Cmon, get up, we have stuff to do.
Katy cracked an eye open, then quickly slammed it shut. Leg warmers. Shed distinctly seen a pair of purple leg warmers.
Yep, shed lost it. And that was okay. Wherever shed been lost to, it beat where she was.
A toe nudged her. Katy, cmon. I got a lot a shit to do. Wake up. God, I hate this phase of transport, the voice complained.
Slowly, she opened her eyes
What the hell was Madonna doing in Maddies bathroom?
Madonna -- with pink hair and purple leg warmers.
The pink-haired sprite knelt down beside Katy and smiled a toothy grin. I know what youre thinking, Katy. I look just like Madonna, and youre right. Now hurry up so I can give ya the this is your life speech.
Hookay, it was time to take a deep cleansing breath and think about centering ones potential for sane thoughts.
The sprite giggled a tinkle of a laugh that echoed in the bathroom. That sappy, crappy, I love me shit isnt going to work, Katy. Not here, anyway.
Where was here?
Rather abruptly, the tune of Like a Virgin reverberated through the bathroom. Throbbing irritatingly in Katys head.
Cmon Katy, lets dance. You used to love this song. Like a virgin touched for the very first time. Like a vir-ir-ir-gin!
She was in hell. Did hell have hits from the eighties? Karaoke?
Thats right, Katy Jennings, THIS IS YOUR LIFE!
To be continued
So where is Katy Jennings and what the hell was in that wine at Maddies party? Discover where Katy went wrong and how she can mend her broken heart in The Ex-Files third installment, Kinky Katy .
Dakota Cassidy
Dakota Cassidy found writing quite by accident and its 'been madness ever since. Who knew writing the grocery list would turn into this?